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    From Seeds to Sales: Best Practices for Lawn and Garden CPG Displays

    Apr 30, 2024 | Kendra Bandy Lawn & Garden

    Dads revving up the lawnmower early on Saturday morning, lingering dinner parties on the back porch, conversations between neighbors about the flowerbeds — it’s the outdoor season.

    Retailers reset for the warm spring and summer months with updated displays in-store and new advertising online. 

    Partnering with Shelfgram, we found the most popular displays by category for lawn and garden. Let’s grow!


    From colorful end caps to eye-catching patio setups, Walmart has taken a bold approach to showcasing the outdoor lawn and garden products.

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    Dollar Tree

    This year, Dollar Tree leaned heavily into the “gardening” theme, with freestanding displays of gardening gloves, seeds, planters, and watering cans.

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    Tried and true, the spring and summer months are Lowe’s sweet spot. Their new “Trending Tropical” campaign with colorful plants really made a splash in the 2024 lineup.

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    Although lawn and garden isn’t what Publix is known for, they recently started creating displays around gardening, hanging flower baskets, and planters.

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    Aldi has gotten practical with displaying its lawn and garden items. The ever-changing seasonal aisle boasts of garden hoses, porch lights, and raised potting benches.

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    Home Depot

    Lawn care, lawn care, lawn care. Home Depot has been beating this drum for a few weeks now, showcasing weed killer, string trimmers, and grass seed.

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    Field Agent: Helping with Your Retail Landscape

    As you prepare for the outdoor season, remember that the presentation of your products can significantly impact their performance. Whether you're a small business owner or a major retailer, implementing best practices in display design not only attracts customers but also drives sales.

    With Field Agent’s expert insights and comprehensive retail solutions, we can help you design displays that not only catch the eye but also fit seamlessly into your sales strategy. 

    From store audits to actual display compliance, our Agents give you information to ensure your displays are not just seen, but also effective.

    Don't let your garden variety displays blend into the background. Stand out this season with Field Agent solutions.

    CTA: Contact Field Agent Today!

    Lawn & Garden


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