The 2022 Back to School Survey: 1,400 Moms Talk BTS Shopping
What do you get when you combine one of the largest shopping events of the year with historic levels of inflation, stock shortages, and labor issues?
We'll tell you exactly what you get...
You get the 2022–23 Back to School (BTS) shopping season.
As noted in Field Agent's Back to School Success Kit: How Brands Win BTS Sales, Shoppers, BTS is the second largest shopping event of the year, behind only the holidays.
It's big. Really big. Billions upon billions big.
Indeed, 99% of households surveyed in a Field Agent study, each with children entering K–12 this year, said they'll make at least one BTS purchase for the 2022–23 school year. Our CEO, Rick West, recently joined Stacy Tan of SupplyPike to discuss this and other research findings about 2022 BTS shopping and shoppers...
And these households won't just make BTS purchases, but BTS purchases across multiple categories: school supplies, attire, groceries—even cleaning supplies and personal hygiene.
But now, take a high-stakes shopping event like BTS and mix in 2022 with all its confounding factors, like the lingering specter of Covid, record-high gas prices, and crippling levels of inflation. Sorry to be a killjoy.
What you're left with is... questions. Lots of questions.
Questions like:
- Are shoppers planning to spend more or less this BTS season?
- Will they shop earlier or later?
- How many plan to shop BTS online versus in-store?
- What specifically will they be buying?
- Will they stick to the usual BTS retailers?
If you find yourself asking questions like these, you've come to the right place.
Based on a survey of 1,426 moms of K–12 children, we assembled a slide deck teeming with answers to pressing questions about the approaching 2022 BTS season below.
You can view and download the deck right here.
So, time to get ready for BTS shoppers—they're just around the corner, after all.
And speaking of getting ready...
Did you know Field Agent has a collection of fast, simple, click-and-launch solutions that can help brands rock the BTS shopping season?
From audits to insights, product reviews to on-demand sales, you can impact your brand's BTS sales with just a few clicks, in just a few minutes.
You'll find all of our self-serve retail solutions on the Plum marketplace, alongside streamlined, click-and-launch solutions from a host of other service-providers.