How to Scare Up Halloween Sales During a Pandemic [7 Tips]
The spookiest time of the year is just around the corner. And for some brands, 2020 is downright scary.
That's right. Mask up (don't forget the N95 AND the Batman mask), it's time to talk Halloween.
In 2020, the word of the year is unpredictability. Last year's Halloween saw $8.8 billion in sales, as reported by the National Retail Federation. But the Covid-19 pandemic has thrown all confidence in past trends out like last year's candy. It's a law of nature: anxious shoppers make for anxious retailers.
There are several things you'll want to do to make sure your brand is at the top of its game this Halloween. From making sure your product is actually in-stock, to keeping in touch with what shoppers are thinking, read on to discover seven ways to prepare for this extra-scary Halloween season.
1. Get In-the-Moment Customer Insights
What are your customers really thinking as Halloween approaches? Is the pandemic making them afraid to celebrate, or are they planning to make up for months of quarantine by going all out on spooky trappings? In an unpredictable season, you need to know what your shoppers' plans, hopes, and concerns are.
As an example, last year we surveyed over 1,000 kids through the Field Agent platform. The kids, with the help of their parents, answered the following question: what brand of candy would you most like to receive while trick-or-treating this Halloween?
What answers does your brand need this Halloween? The right answers at the right time can help you increase seasonal sales.
2. See Prices as Customers See Them
You know what your product is worth, but do you know how retailers are really pricing it?
Incorrect pricing is a big worry for many brands. As the sample image suggests, the Field Agent platform lets you check-in on prices, everywhere your product is sold, to make sure you aren't missing out on sales.
3. Audit In-Store Displays
Companies invest tens of billions of dollars on in-store displays every year. If your brand is one of them, you'll want to make sure that your displays are executed correctly, AND that they're having the impact you designed them to have.
Last year, we dispatched agents to capture photos of Halloween displays at retailers around the country. We even asked them to pick their favorites.
Are your Halloween displays pulling their weight this year?

4. Monitor On-Shelf Availability
What's your biggest fear this Halloween? How about this one: shoppers are stocking up on sweets for trick-or-treaters, but your brand is out of stock - you've just lost sales!
Whew, don't worry, it was just a nightmare. Having current knowledge of your products' on-shelf availability gives you the confidence you need in these scary days.
5. Ensure Modular/Planogram Compliance
Are your brands correctly placed on store shelves? Is your modular positioning inferior or superior to your competitors' products?
In the cutthroat world of Halloween retail, you need direct visibility into how your products are being positioned on shelves, relative to competing products.
6. Collect Competitive Intelligence
Speaking of competitors, you want to be sure you're keeping a close eye on rival brands this Halloween season.
What does their on-shelf merchandising look like? What kind of pricing and promotions are they offering?
Understanding the other players in the game can help you boost sales and cut into market share this Halloween.

7. Collect Shopper Feedback
What would you ask your customers if you could literally walk through the store with them?
In 2020, you can't afford to misread your customers' shopping habits. How do real people shop your category in-store and online? To further boost Halloween sales, get in-the-moment insight on shoppers, as they're actually making purchase decisions.
Win at Halloween
As your brand enters this uncertain Halloween season, you'll need timely, accurate information about all these things and more.
Find out how Field Agent help you make Halloween 2020 less frightening. Our on-demand platform has the solutions to help you succeed during crucial shopping seasons like Halloween, from pricing reviews to shopper insights, display audits to mystery shops.
We help companies win at retail.