"Dear Santa..." Kids’ Christmas Wishes Around the World [Video]
Father Christmas. Papá Noel. Sinterklaas. No matter what you call him, kids all over the world love waiting for Santa to come on Christmas morning.
But Santa doesn't just magically know what kids want to see under the tree. The kids have to tell him.
And that's why ol' Saint Nick turned to Field Agent.

"Santa" needed to know what toys to make for the kiddos (ages 2-12). Posing as the "North Pole Research Center," Field Agent asked nearly 2,500 kids across six countries (the U.S., Australia, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, and the U.K.) to share their top Christmas wishes.
Check out our video below of Santa reacting to a few adorable kids making their case, then read on to see kid's top gift brands and categories around the world!
Top Gift Wishes Around the World
As Christmas approaches, kids everywhere are eagerly anticipating Santa's arrival. And you know who else is excited? The retailers and brands that count on the holidays for major sales.
We broke out the top gift wishes by brand and category for each country. Read on to see the kid's wishes!
Since more kids responded in the USA than in any other country, we broke down their gift wishes by age group. Younger kids asked for more stuffed animals and action figures, while the older set steered toward phones. But one thing was consistent: girls asked for dolls, and boys asked for video games.
When it comes to brands, LEGO and Nintendo were big winners for British boys and girls. Plus, the girls in our sample were especially interested in iPhones and iPads.
What will be under Christmas trees in Mexico this year? According to our sample: electronics. Gaming, phones, and tablets were popular choices for both boys and girls.
Gaming also had a strong showing in South Africa, where Playstation topped the list of brands for boys, and Xbox made the list for both boys and girls.
Regardless of gender, Aussie kids are asking for bikes and blocks. When it comes to brands, Apple showed up on both lists as well.
As with most other countries, LEGO made a strong showing in Canada. The only categories that topped building sets were the usual suspects: gaming (for boys) and dolls (for girls).
Naughty or nice?
To find out who belongs on the naughty list, "Santa" asked American kids how good they've been this year.
On a scale of 1-10, the kids ranked themselves an 8.1, which we'd say is pretty good. Unfortunately for the kids, we also asked their parents about their behavior. The parents said they'd give their kids a 7.8 overall. That may be a little less, but it's hardly coal-worthy.
Finally, we asked the kids of the world for their #1 wish, not for themselves, but for everyone in the world. And it's no surprise: the majority of kids surveyed wished for the COVID-19 pandemic to end. Right there with you, kiddos.
Bonus Insight: Top Candy Brands Around the World
As a bonus question, we asked the kids to send us their #1 candy that they hope appears in their Christmas stockings. The results are pretty clear: chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate.
Go Beyond Gift Wishes
You hear those sleigh bells jingling? The holidays are almost here. And if you're hungry for more holiday insights, look no further than Field Agent's holiday report, An Omnichannel Christmas.
Inside this report, you'll find a feast of information, including top brands for food and gifts, retail trends, and even how shoppers plan shop and celebrate for the holidays during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Download the report for free by clicking the banner below!