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Photo Gallery: Top Easter Displays 2024

Written by Kendra Bandy | Mar 27, 2024

Easter excitement builds as the days begin to warm up. Just as the temps rise, so does the stress to hit Easter sales. 

This holiday is crucial for retailers and brands to highlight their festive sweets and treats. Eye-catching displays mean more chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs in carts — among many other products. Easter shopping means a focus on candy, flowers, baskets, decor, stuffed animals, and cards.

To capture these vibrant setups, we used nationwide Field Agent shoppers to take photos from their local retailers. Using Shelfgram’s AI technology, we’ve been tracking the hundreds of photos each day of Easter displays. Below are some of the very best.

This Easter bunny display is making a nest in Targets around the country. Reese’s, Peeps, and Hershey’s are the main events in these displays.


Getting the attention of shoppers as soon as they walk through the doors is a longtime tactic to remind shoppers to get their candy, decor, and flowers before they’re gone.


Similarly to annual Superbowl displays, stacking sodas in a display pattern catches the eye of shoppers and reminds them: It’s Time to Shop for Easter.


New product launches are sprinkled into Easter displays — no Easter egg hunt needed. Large candy and decor companies releasing speciality items at key holidays are catalysts for positive brand awareness.


Everything from decor and eggs to candy and flowers find their way onto standalone displays in the action alleys. Retailers take advantage of this space to bring attention with bright Easter shapes and colors.


Key Takeaways

Creating and executing retail displays demands effort, but the rewards can significantly outweigh the investment. Whether you’re launching a new product or hoping to boost Spring sales, utilizing displays is crucial for Easter retail success.


1. Colorful signage and captivating messaging can make your Easter display stand out to shoppers.


2. Placing your products in high-visibility areas like endcaps, entryways, freestanding units, and windows can enhance their exposure.


3. For smaller items, consider using dump bins or table displays for effective presentation.


4. Ensure your Easter displays are assembled, fully stocked, correctly placed in store.

Use Field Agent for Growing Spring Sales

Ensuring your displays are correctly set up is vital, particularly for critical selling periods such as Easter. However, achieving in-store visibility can be both costly and logistically challenging for many brands.

With Field Agent, your displays won't be left unseen. Field Agent photos through Shelfgram technology offers you immediate insight into the placement, pricing, and shopper reactions to your products, in a swift and cost-effective manner, regardless of their location.

But our support extends beyond just Easter. Field Agent is committed to providing brands with continuous monitoring of their in-store displays throughout the entire year.