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    2024 Super Bowl Time Machine: Grocery Displays Through the Years

    Jan 15, 2024 | Kendra Bandy CPG

    Last year’s Super Bowl was the most-watched US telecast of all time with 115.1 million viewers, according to Nielsen. In the top 10 US telecasts of all time, the first nine are made up of Super Bowl broadcasts.

    Suffice to say, the event is a big deal.

    Along with the hundreds of millions of viewers, there are millions of viewing parties. For consumer packaged goods brands, that means a major touchdown for chips, soda, beer, pizza, dips and party foods. 

    It’s critical for brands to stand out in the mayhem of local grocery retailers. These eye-catching grocery displays are influencing purchase decisions. Not even just this year, but from years ago. Customer loyalty is grown with these delighting experiences—case in point: monumental, colorful Super Bowl Displays. 

    We partnered with Shelfgram technology to give you a Super Bowl Display Time Machine. You can see the full display here with a free trial.

    Take a look at our top-selected displays from yesterday, last year, and 10 years ago.

    Themed Displays

    A popular trend we’re seeing right now is “store within a store” or customized temporary displays that combine display styles to create the awe-inspiring effect. This experience for the customer allows them to shop for multiple categories (chips, sodas, and beer) or multiple brands of a single category (Buble, Dr. Pepper, Coke) in one place.

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    Themes range from bold colors and patterns to football teams and cutouts. Many brands choose to print their own designed displays while also incorporating the color of the packaging. The most common building blocks are soda cases used to create an NFL-themed message or arena design.

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    These grand-scale types of Super Bowl displays are tried and true. Displays that are well designed can last the test of time. We found images of many MVP grocery displays from years ago that can still hold their own.

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    Interactive Displays

    Brands also utilize the Super Bowl displays to create a memorable brand experience by having interactive displays. This typically looks like giving away tickets to the game, and this year is no different. We see brands partnering to give away VIP experiences—using their display as prime ad real estate.

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    This season, M&M’S is using multiple styles of temporary cardboard displays for visual merchandising to promote their NFL Super Bowl tickets giveaway. By combining custom corrugated displays, retail counter displays, and gravity feed displays, they can optimize visibility from the back of the store to the checkout lane. 


    Bundles and discount deals come into play as an incentive for in-store shoppers as well.

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    Keep an Eye on Super Bowl Displays 

    “For many brands, the success of Super Bowl marketing depends on the integration of Super Bowl ads, social media campaigns and thousands of displays in retail stores across the country,” said Henry Ho, Co-Founder of Field Agent.

    “A huge part of ROI depends on in-store activation, which includes the execution of Super Bowl themed displays, signage and in-store marketing campaigns.  As with any major shopper marketing investment, it’s important to know competitive activity across key retailers, trade channels and regions to better understand the “why” behind in-market results.  Those insights provide the data and context for planning next year’s campaigns.”

    Super Bowl LVIII grocery displays have taken months to plan, design, and execute. Shopper engagement around the event paves the way for hitting sales targets; not to mention, an even higher chance of customer loyalty throughout the year.

    Knowing competitive activity, whether they are increasing or decreasing investment in-store, across years can help a brand trend and anticipate competitive investment in the quality of those displays and for the limited number of features and displays at retail,” said Henry. 

    See your Super Bowl displays (and your competitors!) throughout the years with the Super Bowl Display Tracker by Field Agent and Shelfgram.


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