Small Businesses Find BIG Opportunities with Mobile Market Research
Mobile Research Takes Your Business from Simply Talking About Market Potential to Realizing Market Success
Many small business owners dream about THAT day: the glorious day they meet enough success to expand their operations into new markets. Growth is truly an exciting prospect!
But it can also be a little intimidating.
Let’s face it: Growing pains are a reality. When a small business owner considers the possibility of entering new markets, he or she naturally has many questions and maybe even some fears:
And so on…
How do you fight the growing pains associated with market expansion? With knowledge. That is, by acquiring knowledge of customers, competitors, and local market conditions. By basically securing a bird’s eye view of the potential market—before you enter.
Market Research lays the groundwork for this to happen.
And mobile research is the fastest, most convenient, most cost-effective way of researching new markets. It’s tailor-made for growing small businesses—who have a lot of promise, a lot of ambition, but not a lot of money or time to spend on research.
Consider just 3 distinctives of Mobile Market Research that make it the ideal research tool for small businesses considering market expansion:
1. Location Awareness
By utilizing mobile technology, we are able to accurately pinpoint—in real time—potential customers in the exact markets you're considering. Basically, mobile research allows you to talk with the neighborhood before entering it. Learn more about location-specific mobile research.
And if you’re writing a business plan to guide your expansion, or seeking investment capital to fund the expansion, there simply is no substitute for concrete market data.
2. Nimble Surveys
Moreover, we have the ability to collect the precise information you need. We understand that no two operations are the same, so it’s important to be able ask the questions that drive your unique business.
This is one important advantage of mobile research. We specialize in collecting both precise, objective quantitative data as well as rich, descriptive qualitative data. And if you need video testimonials of customers in a particular area…well, we do that too.
3. Quality Control
Naturally, business owners want to know the information they receive is trustworthy. Our skilled Quality Control team verifies every piece of data received. Unlike other research firms, we put human eyes on your data—so you can trust it. We don’t just collect answers; we provide reliable, dependable solutions.
Learn more about the importance of quality data.
Onyx Coffee Labs
What does mobile research look like inside a real small business? We’re glad you asked!
We recently worked with a local, third-wave coffee shop to help the owner better understand his customers and operations. The case study gives you an idea of the capabilities of mobile market research.
Onyx roasts coffee for almost 50 cafes, from the West Coast to the East Coast. They have even expanded into international markets. As its popularity grows, Onyx is seeking to expand even more.
We used mystery shopping to help them answer specific market questions such as:
These questions allowed Onyx to understand customer preferences as well as potential growth areas. As John, the owner, commented:
"I could see a benefit with not just expansion but within our distribution outreach and finding new areas to grow."
Why attempt expansion without clear knowledge of your potential market locations? Mobile Market Research gives you the understanding and courage to take that next step. And we do it at a rate small businesses can afford.
Mobile Research takes your business from simply talking about market potential to realizing market success. Download the Onyx Case Study below.