Buy & Fly Retail: 2,000 Shoppers Talk DRONE DELIVERY [Special Report]
I still remember exactly where I was.
December 3, 2013 - I was, not surprisingly, stuffing my face with tacos at my favorite Mexican restaurant when a fascinating 60 Minutes segment aired on the TV in front of me. There on the screen was Charlie Rose, strolling shoulder-to-shoulder with none other than the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos. “…[Bezos had] a big surprise, something he wanted to unveil for the first time,” said Rose's baritone voice-over.
The big surprise? A pair of sleek-looking, octocopter drones, both branded “Amazon PrimeAir” on the side, that Bezos explained could revolutionize package delivery as we know it.
Now it’s 2017, and drone delivery is looking more and more inevitable. Amazon, 7-Eleven, Domino’s, Walmart…they're all reportedly experimenting with this cutting-edge delivery concept. Independent provider Flirtey, likewise, has embarked on its own campaign to bring drone delivery to the masses of both retailers and consumers.
Drone Delivery: Propelling the Future of Retail Delivery?
The success of drone delivery will of course primarily depend on shoppers themselves: what they think about the service; whether they'll use it; how much they’re willing to pay...
So, this weekend, mobile solutions firm Field Agent surveyed 2,010 shoppers, divided evenly between men and women, about their attitudes and behavioral intentions toward drone delivery. The resulting report, “Buy & Fly Retail,” answers several questions about the emerging delivery method, including:
- Which retailers are shoppers most likely to use for "buy & fly retail"?
- What products are they most likely to have delivered by drone? (There’s a surprise at the top)
- How much are they willing to pay, and how long are they willing to wait, for drone delivery?
- What concerns and benefits do shoppers associate with drone delivery?
- How likely are shoppers to actually use the delivery service?
Download “Buy & Fly Retail” to discover what the most important stakeholder—the shopper—thinks about drone delivery.